Allen Carr (1934 - 2006) was a British writer of self-help books. Carr was an extreme chain smoker - he smoked between 60 and 100 cigarettes per day (!). Carr tried to quit smoking several times. Every time he fell over time back into his old habit. Until that day in 1983.
In 1983, Allen Carr knew after many failed attempts finally and actually pretty easy to quit smoking. In his own words through a special experience. All times before he stopped sometimes for months, but he continued to feel the craving for a cigarette. Eventually he started to smoke out of desperation.
Shocking discovery: quitting smoking is easy
Through this special experience (which is not entirely clear) Allen Carr got insight into his smoking habit. He came to the shocking discovery that stopping smoking can be quite easy - if you only manage to look differently at your smoking addiction.
Based on his experiences Carr developed a method to quit smoking: the EasyWay Method. He wrote books that are sold on the day of the world today everywhere. Smoking, says Carr, is a trap that you often if you are still young, unsuspecting swims in. You notice too late that you can not go back.
Allen Carr shows how the trap works, so you can swim without much difficulty out again. Allen Carr used therefor no tricks or tools. He puts her just fine mechanisms expose doing a smoker smoking. To recognize realizes that quitting smoking is actually very easy, from the first day.
Quit Smoking and non
Arriving: 10 Tips!
You would love to quit smoking but you are afraid that you will arrive if you stop smoking. We have tips to ensure that you arrive as soon as you quit smoking!
Quit smoking and arrive
You've heard from many people that they have arrived when they stopped smoking that makes you anxious to also take that step. Even though you know how bad it is for you and that you later in life probably less'll see if you continue smoking. You have so much done your best to take the weight, which must by anything or anyone be messed up.
Why do people who quit smoking tend to?
Smoking increases your metabolism. You burn through smoke so more calories than someone who does not smoke. So, when people stop smoking will slow down the metabolism so they burn fewer calories.
Even if you stay exactly the same food then chances are that you come to some kilos. This is usually about 1 to 4 kilos.
Extra snacking because everything is better
Besides the fact that most smokers stopped coming by offsetting the decreased metabolic rate many smokers lack of nicotine by extra eating and snacking more. Because you smell and taste organs to function better if you smoke not eat it all tastier smaken.Je taste more. Therefore, a portion of the people who stop smoking ten to fifteen kilos. They go because everything is so delicious, eating a lot more.
Not quit smoking and lose weight at the same time
It is very difficult to stop smoking also adjacent to lose weight. Yet it is obviously best to immediately stop smoking. It is not recommended you to pay on a strict diet during the stop smoking because then you become possible very frustrated, which can ensure that you specify both attempts and continuing with two bad habits.
What you can do best and really want to want is to change your entire lifestyle. Maintain a healthy diet, plenty of exercise and make sure you know how to avoid unhealthy snacks.
Tips to quit smoking and do not touch
You still get over that line to stop smoking are some tips that live here that you will arrive if you are going to quit smoking.
- Go extra sports. Preferably every day. Quitting smoking slows but exercise speeds up the metabolism. So you compensate this and your body stays about the same level in terms of metabolism. In addition, you feel fit and healthy after exercise and you have much less need for cigarettes. If you have very hungry after exercise, drink plenty of example and eat a bowl of yogurt or a piece of fruit.
- Make sure you always have sugarless gum pocket. Swap the mint complete with sugar-free fruit gum.
- Brush your teeth regularly, you realize how nice it is to have a fresh mouth and breath. You therefore have less craving and the temptation to thereby taking a cigarette decreases.
- Eliminate all unhealthy products out of your home and save healthy snacks. Buy lots of fruit, such as tangerines. Because you're as busy with something else, peeling the tangerine, you give yourself a calm moment, what you actually do when you smoke a cigarette. Mandarins are low in calories and are very healthy. Even healthy snacks like rice cakes, league evergreen, and drink broths are a must to have. They are thin so you will not come quickly.
- If you have a lot of appetite for a cigarette then do not eat but choose something else as a distraction. For example, go a quick walk around the block to get some fresh air or SMS or call as a friend (in). Think in advance what you want to do something to ensure diversion. One set up a particular piece of music may also help for example.
- A stress can cause you to lose your energy. You do not eat extra, you light a cigarette, but you just squeeze as hard as you want in that stress ball.
- Be careful with alcohol. By drinking alcohol get your first within many calories, you'll get hungry and you'll have an extra need for a cigarette. For with alcohol 'obviously includes a cigarette. Go only drink alcohol when you are very strong and know you can resist.
- Give your body time to get used to smoking cessation and weight loss / not arrive. It is difficult therefore suggest not require too much yourself.
- Set goals with regard to quitting smoking and eating, and reward yourself with something else amuse you when you've reached your goals. For example, promise yourself that you can whiten your teeth if you stopped smoking four months. What will you have a fresh radiant smile!
- If you have a lot of problems with appetite for cigarettes start nicotine replacement. Build this becoming a bit.
Why you would want to quit smoking again?
Think a moment why you were saying so badly want to get rid of those cigarettes:
- You smell like you smoke and have smoked.
- You get more wrinkles making you appear much older.
- Your thinking ability decreases rapidly.
- It will cost you loads of money.
- You have a greater risk of lung cancer and other chronic diseases.
- You are more likely to die.
- Etc.
Quitting smoking has many benefits for your health. If your body has once get used without cigarettes, they will definitely go off again any extra kilos. It is not nothing, as a smoker, you get hooked now. It often takes years before you are completely kicked the habit and can truly say that you'll NEVER get a cigare.
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